Element Sets: Show Elements for RDA Agent datatype properties

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367 results
is writer of supplementary textual content of property .../Elements/a/datatype/P50154 Published 2016-12-21 0:07 Rsc Chair
is writer of preface of property .../Elements/a/datatype/P50149 Published 2016-12-21 0:07 Rsc Chair
is writer of postface of property .../Elements/a/datatype/P50228 Published 2016-12-21 0:07 Rsc Chair
is writer of introduction of property .../Elements/a/datatype/P50153 Published 2016-12-21 0:07 Rsc Chair
is writer of foreword of property .../Elements/a/datatype/P50254 Published 2016-12-21 0:07 Rsc Chair
is writer of afterword of property .../Elements/a/datatype/P50227 Published 2016-12-21 0:07 Rsc Chair
is writer of added text of property .../Elements/a/datatype/P50138 Published 2016-12-21 0:07 Rsc Chair
is writer of added lyrics of property .../Elements/a/datatype/P50216 Published 2016-12-21 0:07 Rsc Chair
is writer of added commentary of property .../Elements/a/datatype/P50152 Published 2016-12-21 0:07 Rsc Chair
is voice actor of property .../Elements/a/datatype/P50217 Published 2016-12-21 0:07 Rsc Chair
is visual effects provider of property .../Elements/a/datatype/P50243 Published 2016-12-21 0:07 Rsc Chair
is trustee of property .../Elements/a/datatype/P50287 Published 2016-12-21 0:07 Rsc Chair
is translator of property .../Elements/a/datatype/P50145 Published 2016-12-21 0:07 Rsc Chair
is transcriber of property .../Elements/a/datatype/P50142 Published 2016-12-21 0:07 Rsc Chair
is television producer of property .../Elements/a/datatype/P50215 Published 2016-12-21 0:07 Rsc Chair
is television director of property .../Elements/a/datatype/P50050 Published 2016-12-21 0:07 Rsc Chair
is surveyor of property .../Elements/a/datatype/P50135 Published 2016-12-21 0:07 Rsc Chair
is subject of (person) property .../Elements/a/datatype/P50249 Published 2016-12-22 12:20 Rsc Chair
is subject of (family) property .../Elements/a/datatype/P50250 Published 2016-12-21 0:07 Rsc Chair
is subject of (corporate body) property .../Elements/a/datatype/P50251 Published 2016-12-21 0:07 Rsc Chair