Element Sets: Show Elements for Chinese Couplets and Short Classical Literature Works' Metadata

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44 results
WORKTYPE property .../uri/schema/Cplt/100044 New-Proposed 2022-06-19 2:01 safu
WORK, COLLECTION, OR IMAGE property .../uri/schema/Cplt/100001 New-Proposed 2022-06-18 10:35 safu
words property .../uri/schema/Cplt/100015 New-Proposed 2022-06-19 1:33 safu
TITLE property .../uri/schema/Cplt/100002 New-Proposed 2022-06-19 0:10 safu
TEXTREF property .../uri/schema/Cplt/100043 New-Proposed 2022-06-19 2:01 safu
text property .../uri/schema/Cplt/100014 New-Proposed 2022-06-19 1:31 safu
TECHNIQUE property .../uri/schema/Cplt/100028 New-Proposed 2022-06-19 1:41 safu
SUBJECT property .../uri/schema/Cplt/100040 New-Proposed 2022-06-19 1:59 safu
STYLEPERIOD property .../uri/schema/Cplt/100039 New-Proposed 2022-06-19 1:59 safu
STATEEDITION property .../uri/schema/Cplt/100036 New-Proposed 2022-06-19 1:57 safu
SOURCE property .../uri/schema/Cplt/100034 New-Proposed 2022-06-19 1:56 safu
sentence property .../uri/schema/Cplt/100016 New-Proposed 2022-06-19 1:33 safu
role property .../uri/schema/Cplt/100006 New-Proposed 2022-06-19 0:18 safu
rightsHolder property .../uri/schema/Cplt/100033 New-Proposed 2022-06-19 1:55 safu
RIGHTS property .../uri/schema/Cplt/100031 New-Proposed 2022-06-19 1:54 safu
rhetoric property .../uri/schema/Cplt/100042 New-Proposed 2022-06-19 2:00 safu
repair property .../uri/schema/Cplt/100037 New-Proposed 2022-06-19 1:58 safu
remarks property .../uri/schema/Cplt/100018 New-Proposed 2022-06-19 1:34 safu
RELATION property .../uri/schema/Cplt/100030 New-Proposed 2022-06-19 1:53 safu
refid property .../uri/schema/Cplt/100035 New-Proposed 2022-06-19 1:57 safu