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12 results
Nombre del Patio property .../patiosdecordoba/nombrepatio New-Proposed 2016-01-20 9:36 Jvespoc1516
Nombre de Zona property .../patiosdecordoba/nombrezona New-Proposed 2016-01-20 9:37 Jvespoc1516
Autor property .../schema/patiosdecordoba/autor New-Proposed 2016-01-20 9:38 Jvespoc1516
Ítem relacionado property .../patiosdecordoba/relacionado New-Proposed 2016-01-20 9:38 Jvespoc1516
Accesibilidad property .../patiosdecordoba/accesibilidad New-Proposed 2016-01-20 9:39 Jvespoc1516
Descripción property .../patiosdecordoba/descripcion New-Proposed 2016-01-20 9:40 Jvespoc1516
Premios property .../patiosdecordoba/premios New-Proposed 2016-01-20 9:46 Jvespoc1516
Flores property .../schema/patiosdecordoba/flores New-Proposed 2016-01-20 9:45 Jvespoc1516
Árboles property .../patiosdecordoba/arboles New-Proposed 2016-01-20 9:43 Jvespoc1516
Galería property .../patiosdecordoba/galeria New-Proposed 2016-01-20 9:44 Jvespoc1516
Tipo de Patio property .../schema/patiosdecordoba/100022 New-Proposed 2016-01-20 11:40 Jvespoc1516
Régimen de visita property .../schema/patiosdecordoba/100024 New-Proposed 2016-01-20 11:42 Jvespoc1516