Element Sets: MARC 21 Elements 0XX
  Elements:  Language code of subtitles or captions in Language Code (Item not a translation or does not include a translation) (MARC language code)

Profile property Language Object Ascending Order Status Last Updated This is the date the Property was last updated Updated by This is the user who updated the Property last Actions
7 results
status   Published Published 30 October 2011 5:24 Gordon Dunsire
name English hasLanguageCodeOfSubtitlesOrCaptionsInLanguageCodeItemNotATranslationOrDoesNotIncludeATranslationMARCLanguageCode Published 16 January 2017 16:08 Gordon Dunsire
uri   http://marc21rdf.info/elements/0XX/M0410_j Published 30 October 2011 5:24 Gordon Dunsire
label English Language code of subtitles or captions in Language Code (Item not a translation or does not include a translation) (MARC language code) Published 30 October 2011 5:24 Gordon Dunsire
description English Language codes for written languages providing access to moving image materials, such as intertitles (silent films), subtitles, or captions (open or closed, intended for users with hearing disabilities). It does not include the languages of the credits, packaging, or accompanying material. Item not a translation or does not include a translation. MARC language code. Published 30 October 2011 5:24 Gordon Dunsire
type   property Published 30 October 2011 5:24 Gordon Dunsire
comment English tag: 041 (Language Code)
ind1: # (Item not a translation or does not include a translation)
ind2: # (MARC language code)
sub: j (Language code of subtitles or captions)
Published 16 January 2017 16:08 Gordon Dunsire