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10 results
name English relatedFamilyFamily New-Proposed 12 October 2009 14:13 DianeH
label English Related Family (Family) (Deprecated) Deprecated 27 October 2016 15:19 DianeH
type   property New-Proposed 12 October 2009 14:13 DianeH
label German in Beziehung stehende Familie (Familie) New-Proposed 6 January 2011 7:16 Leibrecht
domain New-Proposed 12 October 2009 14:13 DianeH
uri New-Proposed 12 October 2009 14:13 DianeH
subPropertyOf New-Proposed 12 October 2009 14:13 DianeH
description German Eine Familie, die mit der Person, Familie oder Körperschaft in Verbindung steht, die durch eine Ansetzungsform des Sucheinstiegs und/oder einen Identifier repräsentiert wird (z. B. die Familie einer Person, eine Familie, die die Kapitalmehrheit in einer Körperschaft hat). New-Proposed 6 January 2011 7:15 Leibrecht
description English A family that is associated with the person, family, or corporate body represented by a preferred access point and/or identifier (e.g., a person’s family, a family that owns the controlling interest in a corporate body). (Deprecated) Deprecated 27 October 2016 15:19 DianeH
status   Deprecated Deprecated 27 October 2016 15:19 DianeH