Element Sets: MARC 21 Elements 0XX
  Elements:  Edition number in Dewey Decimal Classification Number (Other edition specified in subfield $2) (Assigned by agency other than LC)

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7 results
comment English tag: 082 (Dewey Decimal Classification Number)
ind1: 7 (Other edition specified in subfield $2)
ind2: # (Assigned by agency other than LC)
sub: 2 (Edition number)
Published 16 January 2017 16:08 Gordon Dunsire
type   property Published 27 October 2011 5:48 Gordon Dunsire
description English Number of the edition of the Dewey classification schedules from which the classification was assigned. Other edition specified in subfield $2. Assigned by agency other than LC. Published 27 October 2011 5:48 Gordon Dunsire
uri   http://marc21rdf.info/elements/0XX/M082742 Published 27 October 2011 5:48 Gordon Dunsire
name English hasEditionNumberInDeweyDecimalClassificationNumberOtherEditionSpecifiedInSubfield2AssignedByAgencyOtherThanLc Published 21 January 2017 12:21 Gordon Dunsire
label English Edition number in Dewey Decimal Classification Number (Other edition specified in subfield $2) (Assigned by agency other than LC) Published 27 October 2011 5:48 Gordon Dunsire
status   Published Published 27 October 2011 5:48 Gordon Dunsire