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48 results
domain Published 18 January 2014 22:42 Rsc Chair
name English addresseeOf Published 18 January 2014 22:42 Rsc Chair
status   Published Published 18 January 2014 22:42 Rsc Chair
type   property Published 18 January 2014 22:42 Rsc Chair
subPropertyOf Published 18 January 2014 22:50 Rsc Chair
label English is addressee of Published 22 February 2014 2:20 Rsc Chair
hasUnconstrained Published 20 June 2015 19:37 Rsc Chair
ToolkitLabel French destinataire de Published 17 February 2016 10:33 Rsc Chair
ToolkitLabel English addressee of Published 13 July 2016 11:52 Rsc Chair
instructionNumber   18.5 Published 15 September 2016 9:43 Rsc Chair
lexicalAlias English Published 18 September 2016 17:18 Rsc Chair
uri Published 18 September 2016 17:18 Rsc Chair
description English Relates an agent to whom a work or part of a work is addressed to a work. Published 15 December 2016 23:46 Rsc Chair
ToolkitDefinition English A work or part of a work that is addressed to an agent. Published 15 December 2016 23:46 Rsc Chair
hasSubproperty Published 21 December 2016 0:06 Rsc Chair
description Greek Συνδέει έναν φορέα, στον οποίο ένα έργο ή μέρος ενός έργου απευθύνεται, με ένα έργο. Published 2 March 2017 10:00 Rsc Chair
label Greek είναι αλληλογράφος του Published 2 March 2017 10:00 Rsc Chair
lexicalAlias GreekαλληλογράφοςΤου.el Published 2 March 2017 10:00 Rsc Chair
name Greek αλληλογράφοςΤου Published 2 March 2017 10:00 Rsc Chair
ToolkitLabel Greek αλληλογράφος του Published 2 March 2017 10:00 Rsc Chair