
Stepanov dance notation

Properties Listed by Language

Catalan preferred label notació Stepanov Published
Catalan ToolkitLabel notació Stepanov Published
Catalan definition Forma de notació del moviment per a la dansa que usa la notació musical per representar els moviments de les parts individuals del cos. Published
Catalan ToolkitDefinition Forma de notació del moviment per a la dansa que usa la notació musical per representar els moviments de les parts individuals del cos. Published
Catalan scope note S’enregistra en un pentagrama horitzontal de nou línies que representa el cos. Published
Danish preferred label Stepanov-dansenotation Published
Danish ToolkitLabel Stepanov-dansenotation Published
Danish definition Form for bevægelsesnotation der anvender musiknotation til at repræsentere bevægelser for kroppens forskellige dele. Published
Danish ToolkitDefinition Form for bevægelsesnotation der anvender musiknotation til at repræsentere bevægelser for kroppens forskellige dele. Published
Danish scope note Registreres i et ni-linjet vandret nodesystem, der repræsenterer kroppen. Published
German preferred label Notation nach Stepanov Published
German ToolkitLabel Notation nach Stepanov Published
German definition Eine Form der Bewegungsnotation für Tanz, die Musiknoten verwendet, um die Bewegungen der einzelnen Teile des Körpers darzustellen. Sie wird auf horizontalen neunzeiligen Notenlinien erfasst, die den Körper darstellen. Published
German ToolkitDefinition Eine Form der Bewegungsnotation für Tanz, die Musiknoten verwendet, um die Bewegungen der einzelnen Teile des Körpers darzustellen. Sie wird auf horizontalen neunzeiligen Notenlinien erfasst, die den Körper darstellen. Published
German scope note Sie wird auf horizontalen neunzeiligen Notenlinien erfasst, die den Körper darstellen. Published
English preferred label Stepanov dance notation Published
English ToolkitLabel Stepanov dance notation Published
English definition A form of notated movement for dance using musical notation to represent movements by single parts of the body. Published
English ToolkitDefinition A form of notated movement for dance using musical notation to represent movements by single parts of the body. Published
English scope note It is recorded on a horizontal nine-line staff that represents the body. Published
Spanish preferred label notación Stepanov para danza Published
Spanish ToolkitLabel notación Stepanov para danza Published
Spanish definition Forma de movimiento notado para danza que utiliza notación musical para representar movimientos de partes individuales del cuerpo. Es registrado en un pentagrama horizontal de nueve líneas que representa el cuerpo. Published
Spanish ToolkitDefinition Forma de movimiento notado para danza que utiliza notación musical para representar movimientos de partes individuales del cuerpo. Es registrado en un pentagrama horizontal de nueve líneas que representa el cuerpo. Published
Finnish preferred label Stepanov-tanssinotaatio Published
Finnish ToolkitLabel Stepanov-tanssinotaatio Published
Finnish definition Tanssinotaatio, jossa musiikkinotaatiota käytetään esittämään kehon yksittäisten osien liikettä. Published
Finnish ToolkitDefinition Tanssinotaatio, jossa musiikkinotaatiota käytetään esittämään kehon yksittäisten osien liikettä. Published
Finnish scope note Notaatio merkitään yhdeksänriviselle vaakasuoralle viivastolle. Published
French preferred label notation Stepanov Published
French ToolkitLabel notation Stepanov Published
French definition Forme de notation du mouvement pour la danse qui utilise la notation musicale pour représenter les mouvements des parties individuelles du corps. Published
French ToolkitDefinition Forme de notation du mouvement pour la danse qui utilise la notation musicale pour représenter les mouvements des parties individuelles du corps. Published
French scope note Cette notation utilise une portée horizontale de neuf lignes qui représente le corps. Published
Italian preferred label Notazione coreografica Stepanov Published
Italian ToolkitLabel Notazione coreografica Stepanov Published
Dutch preferred label Stepanov dansnotatie Published
Dutch ToolkitLabel Stepanov dansnotatie Published
Dutch definition Een vorm van bewegingsnotatie voor dans waarbij muzieknotatie gebruikt wordt om bewegingen voor te stellen per lichaamsdeel. Deze is vastgelegd op een horizontale balk van negen lijntjes, die het lichaam voorstelt. Published
Dutch ToolkitDefinition Een vorm van bewegingsnotatie voor dans waarbij muzieknotatie gebruikt wordt om bewegingen voor te stellen per lichaamsdeel. Deze is vastgelegd op een horizontale balk van negen lijntjes, die het lichaam voorstelt. Published
Norwegian preferred label Stepanov-dansenotasjon Published
Norwegian ToolkitLabel Stepanov-dansenotasjon Published
Norwegian definition En form for bevegelsesnotasjon for dans som bruker musikalsk notasjon for å representere de enkelte kroppsdelenes bevegelser. Published
Norwegian ToolkitDefinition En form for bevegelsesnotasjon for dans som bruker musikalsk notasjon for å representere de enkelte kroppsdelenes bevegelser. Published
Norwegian scope note Dette registreres på en vannrett stav med ni linjer som representerer kroppen. Published
Vietnamese preferred label ký hiệu điệu nhẩy Stepanov Published
Vietnamese ToolkitLabel ký hiệu điệu nhẩy Stepanov Published
Vietnamese definition Hình thái của động thái ký hiệucho điệu nhảyđược ghisử dụng ký hiệu âm nhạcbiểu diễncác bộ phậnđơn lẻcủa cơ thể. Published
Vietnamese ToolkitDefinition Hình thái của động thái ký hiệucho điệu nhảyđược ghisử dụng ký hiệu âm nhạcbiểu diễncác bộ phậnđơn lẻcủa cơ thể. Published
Vietnamese scope note Nó được ghi lại trênkhuông nhạcchín đường nằm ngangbiểu diễncơ thể. Published
Chinese preferred label 斯捷潘诺夫舞谱 Published
Chinese ToolkitLabel 斯捷潘诺夫舞谱 Published
Chinese definition 一种用乐谱表示身体各部分运动的动作谱形式。它在水平方向的九条谱线上记录身体的表现。 Published
Chinese ToolkitDefinition 一种用乐谱表示身体各部分运动的动作谱形式。它在水平方向的九条谱线上记录身体的表现。 Published