

Properties Listed by Language

Bulgarian preferred label програма New-Proposed
Bulgarian definition Съдържание, изразено чрез цифрово кодирани инструкции, предназначени за обработка и изпълнение от компютър. New-Proposed
Bulgarian scope note Примерите включват операционни системи, приложен софтуер и др. New-Proposed
English preferred label program Published
English definition Content expressed through digitally-encoded instructions intended to be processed and performed by a computer. Published
English scope note Examples include operating systems, application software, etc. Published
Spanish preferred label programa Published
Spanish preferred label Como ejemplos se incluyen sistemas operativos, aplicaciones de software, etc. Deprecated
Spanish definition Contenido expresado a través de instrucciones codificadas digitalmente destinado a ser procesado e interpretado por ordenador. Published
Spanish scope note Como ejemplos se incluyen sistemas operativos, aplicaciones de software, etc. Published
French preferred label programme Published
French definition Contenu exprimé sous la forme d’instructions encodées de manière numérique prévues pour être analysées et traitées par un ordinateur. Published
French scope note Par exemple, des systèmes d’exploitation, des logiciels d’application, etc. Published
Croatian preferred label program Published
Italian preferred label programma Published
Italian definition Un contenuto espresso mediante istruzioni codificate in forma digitale, destinato all’elaborazione e all’esecuzione via computer. Published
Italian scope note Gli esempi includono i sistemi operativi, le applicazioni software, etc. Published
Latvian preferred label programma New-Proposed
Latvian definition Saturs, izteikts ar digitāli kodētām instrukcijām, kas paredzēts apstrādei un izpildei ar datoru. New-Proposed
Latvian scope note Piemēri ietver operētājsistēmas, lietojumprogrammatūras, utt. New-Proposed
Russian preferred label программа New-Proposed
Russian definition Содержание, выраженное посредством инструкций в цифровой кодировке, предназначенных для обработки и выполнения компьютером. New-Proposed
Russian scope note Примеры включают операционные системы, прикладное программное обеспечение и т.п. New-Proposed
Serbian preferred label program New-Proposed
Serbian definition Sadržaj izražen pomoću digitalno kodiranih instrukcija namenjenih za računarsku obradu i prikaz. New-Proposed
Serbian scope note Primeri za to su operativni sistemi, aplikativni programi i tako dalje. New-Proposed
Chinese preferred label 程序 New-Proposed
Chinese definition 通过用于计算机处理或执行的数字编码指令所表示的内容。 New-Proposed
Chinese scope note 例如操作系统、应用软件等。 New-Proposed