
tactile notated movement

Properties Listed by Language

  related to notated movement Published
Arabic preferred label حركة مدونة لمسية New-Proposed
Catalan preferred label moviment notat táctil Published
Catalan ToolkitLabel moviment notat táctil Published
Catalan definition Tipus de contingut que consisteix en contingut expressat per mitjà d’una forma de notació del moviment, concebuda perquè es percebi per mitjà del tacte. Published
Catalan ToolkitDefinition Tipus de contingut que consisteix en contingut expressat per mitjà d’una forma de notació del moviment, concebuda perquè es percebi per mitjà del tacte. Published
Danish preferred label taktil noteret bevægelse Published
Danish ToolkitLabel taktil noteret bevægelse Published
Danish definition Indholdstype der består af indhold udtrykt vha. en form for bevægelsesnotation, beregnet til at opfattes ved berøring. Published
Danish ToolkitDefinition Indholdstype der består af indhold udtrykt vha. en form for bevægelsesnotation, beregnet til at opfattes ved berøring. Published
German preferred label Taktile Bewegungsnotation Published
German ToolkitLabel Taktile Bewegungsnotation Published
German definition Ein Inhaltstyp, der aus Inhalt besteht, der durch eine Notationsform für Bewegung ausgedrückt wird und konzipiert ist, um über den Tastsinn wahrgenommen zu werden. Published
German ToolkitDefinition Ein Inhaltstyp, der aus Inhalt besteht, der durch eine Notationsform für Bewegung ausgedrückt wird und konzipiert ist, um über den Tastsinn wahrgenommen zu werden. Published
English preferred label tactile notated movement Published
English ToolkitLabel tactile notated movement Published
English definition A content type consisting of content expressed through a form of notation for movement intended to be perceived through touch. Published
English ToolkitDefinition A content type consisting of content expressed through a form of notation for movement intended to be perceived through touch. Published
Spanish preferred label movimiento notado táctil Published
Spanish ToolkitLabel movimiento notado táctil Published
Spanish definition Contenido expresado mediante una forma de notación para movimiento pensado para ser percibido mediante el tacto. Published
Spanish ToolkitDefinition Contenido expresado mediante una forma de notación para movimiento pensado para ser percibido mediante el tacto. Published
Finnish preferred label taktiili liikenotaatio Published
Finnish ToolkitLabel taktiili liikenotaatio Published
Finnish definition Liikettä kuvailevan merkkijärjestelmän avulla esitetty sisältö, joka on tarkoitettu kosketeltavaksi. Published
Finnish ToolkitDefinition Liikettä kuvailevan merkkijärjestelmän avulla esitetty sisältö, joka on tarkoitettu kosketeltavaksi. Published
French preferred label mouvement noté tactile Published
French ToolkitLabel mouvement noté tactile Published
French definition Type de contenu qui consiste en contenu exprimé au moyen d’une forme de notation du mouvement destinée à être perçue au toucher. Published
French ToolkitDefinition Type de contenu qui consiste en contenu exprimé au moyen d’une forme de notation du mouvement destinée à être perçue au toucher. Published
Hebrew preferred label תווי מוסיקה מישושיים Published
Hebrew ToolkitLabel תווי מוסיקה מישושיים Published
Hebrew definition סוג תוכן המכיל תוכן שקיבל את ביטויו באמצעות תווי מוסיקה, המיועדים לתפיסה על ידי מישוש. Published
Hebrew ToolkitDefinition סוג תוכן המכיל תוכן שקיבל את ביטויו באמצעות תווי מוסיקה, המיועדים לתפיסה על ידי מישוש. Published
Italian preferred label movimento notato tattile Published
Italian ToolkitLabel movimento notato tattile Published
Italian definition Contenuto espresso mediante una forma di notazione per il movimento percepibile mediante il tatto. Published
Italian ToolkitDefinition Contenuto espresso mediante una forma di notazione per il movimento percepibile mediante il tatto. Published
Dutch preferred label tactiele beschreven beweging Published
Dutch alternative label tactiele bewegingsnotatie Published
Dutch ToolkitLabel tactiele beschreven beweging Published
Dutch definition Content uitgedrukt door een vorm van bewegingsnotatie bedoeld om waar te nemen door aanraking. Published
Dutch ToolkitDefinition Content uitgedrukt door een vorm van bewegingsnotatie bedoeld om waar te nemen door aanraking. Published
Norwegian preferred label taktil bevegelsesnotasjon Published
Norwegian ToolkitLabel taktil bevegelsesnotasjon Published
Norwegian definition En innholdstype som består av innhold uttrykt ved hjelp av en form for bevegelsesnotasjon som er ment å oppfattes gjennom berøring. Published
Norwegian ToolkitDefinition En innholdstype som består av innhold uttrykt ved hjelp av en form for bevegelsesnotasjon som er ment å oppfattes gjennom berøring. Published
Vietnamese preferred label động thái ký hiệu xúc giác Published
Vietnamese ToolkitLabel động thái ký hiệu xúc giác Published
Vietnamese definition Loại nội dung được biểu hiện qua hình thái của ký hiệu cho động thái nhằm mục đích nhận biết qua xúc giác. Published
Vietnamese ToolkitDefinition Loại nội dung được biểu hiện qua hình thái của ký hiệu cho động thái nhằm mục đích nhận biết qua xúc giác. Published
Chinese preferred label 触摸动作谱 Published
Chinese ToolkitLabel 触摸动作谱 Published
Chinese definition 以动作记谱形式表达的、旨在通过触觉感知的内容。 Published
Chinese ToolkitDefinition 以动作记谱形式表达的、旨在通过触觉感知的内容。 Published