skos:property Language Value Status Updated This is the date the property was last updated Actions
12 results
has narrower   Subsidized housing Published 19 February 2013 18:39
preferred label English Housing Published 2 February 2013 9:53
related to   Building construction Published 2 February 2013 10:44
related to   Gentrification Published 18 February 2013 15:47
related to   Suburbs Published 19 February 2013 18:41
related to   Tenant rights Published 23 February 2013 2:14
related to   Home Published 2 March 2013 2:26
related to   Homelessness Published 2 March 2013 2:29
related to   Cooperative living Published 2 March 2013 2:37
related to   Rent control Published 2 March 2013 2:38
related to   Roommates Published 2 March 2013 2:38
related to   Squatting Published 2 March 2013 2:39