
scope note
Ietver kartes, atlantus, globusus, reljefa modeļus, u.c.

Other Properties

Bulgarian preferred label картографски New-Proposed
Bulgarian definition Съдържание, което представя повърхността или част от повърхността на Земята или на друго небесно тяло в какъвто и да е мащаб. New-Proposed
Bulgarian scope note Включва карти, атласи, глобуси, модели на релеф и др. New-Proposed
English preferred label cartographic Published
English definition Content representing the whole or part of the Earth or any celestial body at any scale. Published
English scope note Includes maps, atlases, globes, relief models, etc. Published
Spanish preferred label Contenido que representa la totalidad o parte de la Tierra o de cualquier cuerpo celeste a cualquier escala. Published
Spanish alternative label cartográfico New-Proposed
Spanish alternative label cartográfica New-Proposed
Spanish scope note Incluye mapas, atlas, globos, modelos en relieve, etc. Published
French preferred label cartographique Published
French definition Contenu représentant la totalité ou une partie de la Terre ou de tout corps céleste à une échelle quelconque. Published
French scope note Comprend cartes, atlas, globes, maquettes, etc. Published
Croatian alternative label kartografski New-Proposed
Croatian alternative label kartografska New-Proposed
Italian preferred label cartografico Published
Italian definition Un contenuto che rappresenta l’intera Terra o parte di essa, o qualsiasi corpo celeste a qualunque scala. Published
Italian scope note Include le carte geografiche, gli atlanti, i globi, i modelli in rilievo, etc. Published
Latvian definition Saturs, kas atspoguļo Zemes virsmu vai virsmas daļu, vai citu debess ķermeni jebkurā mērogā. New-Proposed
Latvian scope note Ietver kartes, atlantus, globusus, reljefa modeļus, u.c. New-Proposed
Russian preferred label картографический New-Proposed
Russian definition Содержание, отражающее поверхность или часть поверхности Земли или другого небесного тела в любом масштабе. New-Proposed
Russian scope note Включает в себя карты, атласы, глобусы, модели рельефа и т.п. New-Proposed
Serbian definition Sadržaj koji predstavlja Zemlju u celini ili neki njen deo, ili bilo koje nebesko telo u bilo kojoj razmeri. New-Proposed
Serbian scope note Uključuje geografske karte, atlase, globuse, reljefne modele i tako dalje. New-Proposed
Chinese preferred label 地图型 New-Proposed
Chinese definition 用任何比例尺表示地球或任何天体的整体或部分的内容。 New-Proposed
Chinese scope note 包括地图、地图册、球仪、地形模型等。 New-Proposed