
An emulsion on microfilm and microfiche consisting of one or more light-sensitive layers of diazonium salts in a polyester or acetate base that react with dye couplers when processed to produce azo dye images.

Other Properties

German preferred label Diazo Published
German definition Eine Emulsion auf Mikrofilm und Mikrofiche, die aus einer oder mehreren lichtempfindlichen Schichten von Diazoniumsalzen auf einer Polyester- oder Acetatgrundlage, die mit Farbkupplern reagieren, wenn sie bearbeitet werden, um Azo-Farbbilder zu erzeugen. Published
English preferred label diazo (Deprecated) Deprecated
English definition An emulsion on microfilm and microfiche consisting of one or more light-sensitive layers of diazonium salts in a polyester or acetate base that react with dye couplers when processed to produce azo dye images. Published
Spanish preferred label diazo Published
Spanish definition Emulsión sobre microfilme o microficha que consiste en una o más capas sensitivas de sales de diazonium en una base de poliéster o acetato que reacciona con acopladores de tinte cuando se procesan para producir imágenes de colorantes azoicos. Published
French preferred label diazoïque Published