
Forme de notation musicale qui utilise des neumes, c’est-à-dire des signes graphiques qui représentent essentiellement le mouvement d’une ligne mélodique.

Other Properties

Arabic preferred label نوماتك (تدوين موسيقي بعلامات قديمة) New-Proposed
Catalan preferred label notació neumàtica Published
Catalan ToolkitLabel notació neumàtica Published
Catalan definition Forma de notació musical que usa neumes, és a dir, signes gràfics que representen essencialment el moviment tonal d’una melodia. Published
Catalan ToolkitDefinition Forma de notació musical que usa neumes, és a dir, signes gràfics que representen essencialment el moviment tonal d’una melodia. Published
Danish preferred label koralnotation Published
Danish ToolkitLabel koralnotation Published
Danish definition Musikalsk notationsform, der anvender neumer, dvs. grafiske tegn, der i alt væsentligt repræsenterer tonehøjdebevægelsen i en melodi. Published
Danish ToolkitDefinition Musikalsk notationsform, der anvender neumer, dvs. grafiske tegn, der i alt væsentligt repræsenterer tonehøjdebevægelsen i en melodi. Published
German preferred label Neumennotation Published
German ToolkitLabel Neumennotation Published
German definition Eine Form der Musiknotation, die Neumen verwendet, d. h. grafische Zeichen, die die Tonhöhenbewegung einer Melodie darstellen. Published
German ToolkitDefinition Eine Form der Musiknotation, die Neumen verwendet, d. h. grafische Zeichen, die die Tonhöhenbewegung einer Melodie darstellen. Published
English preferred label neumatic notation Published
English ToolkitLabel neumatic notation Published
English definition A form of musical notation using neumes, i.e., graphic signs that represent essentially the movement in pitch of a melody. Published
English ToolkitDefinition A form of musical notation using neumes, i.e., graphic signs that represent essentially the movement in pitch of a melody. Published
Spanish preferred label notación con neumas Published
Spanish ToolkitLabel notación con neumas Published
Spanish definition Sistema de notación musical que utiliza neumas, i.e., signos gráficos que representan esencialmente el movimiento en el tono de una melodía. Published
Spanish ToolkitDefinition Sistema de notación musical que utiliza neumas, i.e., signos gráficos que representan esencialmente el movimiento en el tono de una melodía. Published
Finnish preferred label neumikirjoitus Published
Finnish ToolkitLabel neumikirjoitus Published
Finnish definition Nuottikirjoitusjärjestelmä, jossa käytetään neumeja eli graafisia merkkejä, jotka edustavat melodian sävelkorkeuden liikettä. Published
Finnish ToolkitDefinition Nuottikirjoitusjärjestelmä, jossa käytetään neumeja eli graafisia merkkejä, jotka edustavat melodian sävelkorkeuden liikettä. Published
French preferred label notation neumatique Published
French ToolkitLabel notation neumatique Published
French definition Forme de notation musicale qui utilise des neumes, c’est-à-dire des signes graphiques qui représentent essentiellement le mouvement d’une ligne mélodique. Published
French ToolkitDefinition Forme de notation musicale qui utilise des neumes, c’est-à-dire des signes graphiques qui représentent essentiellement le mouvement d’une ligne mélodique. Published
Italian preferred label notazione neumatica Published
Italian ToolkitLabel notazione neumatica Published
Dutch preferred label neumennotatie Published
Dutch ToolkitLabel neumennotatie Published
Dutch definition Een systeem van muzieknotatie waarbij neumen gebruikt worden, dit zijn grafische symbolen die in wezen de verandering in toonhoogte weergeven van een melodie. Published
Dutch ToolkitDefinition Een systeem van muzieknotatie waarbij neumen gebruikt worden, dit zijn grafische symbolen die in wezen de verandering in toonhoogte weergeven van een melodie. Published
Norwegian preferred label neumatisk notasjon Published
Norwegian ToolkitLabel neumatisk notasjon Published
Norwegian definition En form for musikalsk notasjon som bruker neumer, dvs. grafiske tegn som representerer endringer i tonehøyde i en melodi. Published
Norwegian ToolkitDefinition En form for musikalsk notasjon som bruker neumer, dvs. grafiske tegn som representerer endringer i tonehøyde i en melodi. Published
Swedish preferred label neumer Published
Swedish ToolkitLabel neumer Published
Vietnamese preferred label ký hiệu neum Published
Vietnamese ToolkitLabel ký hiệu neum Published
Vietnamese definition Hình thái của ký hiệu âm nhạc dùng Neum, nghĩa là dấu hiệu đồ hoạ trình bày về cơ bản động thái độ cao thấp của giai điệu. Published
Vietnamese ToolkitDefinition Hình thái của ký hiệu âm nhạc dùng Neum, nghĩa là dấu hiệu đồ hoạ trình bày về cơ bản động thái độ cao thấp của giai điệu. Published
Chinese preferred label 妞姆记谱法 Published
Chinese ToolkitLabel 妞姆记谱法 Published
Chinese definition 采用纽姆符的音乐记谱体系,即本质上是用图像标识表现乐章的音高和旋律。 Published
Chinese ToolkitDefinition 采用纽姆符的音乐记谱体系,即本质上是用图像标识表现乐章的音高和旋律。 Published