

Other Properties

Catalan preferred label digital Published
Catalan ToolkitLabel digital Published
Catalan definition Tipus d’enregistrament en el qual el contingut es mostreja contínuament i una seqüència de valors binaris discrets s’emmagatzema per representar l’amplitud de cada mostra en la forma d’ona. Published
Catalan ToolkitDefinition Tipus d’enregistrament en el qual el contingut es mostreja contínuament i una seqüència de valors binaris discrets s’emmagatzema per representar l’amplitud de cada mostra en la forma d’ona. Published
Danish preferred label digital Published
Danish ToolkitLabel digital Published
Danish definition Optageteknik, hvor indholdet løbende analyseres, og en sekvens af separate binære værdier lagres for at repræsentere hver prøves udsving i bølgeform. Published
Danish ToolkitDefinition Optageteknik, hvor indholdet løbende analyseres, og en sekvens af separate binære værdier lagres for at repræsentere hver prøves udsving i bølgeform. Published
German preferred label digital Published
German ToolkitLabel digital Published
German definition Eine Art der Erfassung, bei der der Inhalt kontinuierlich in Abschnitte zerlegt und als Abfolge von einzelnen Binärwerten gespeichert wird, um die Schwingungen jedes Samples in Wellenform darzustellen. Published
German ToolkitDefinition Eine Art der Erfassung, bei der der Inhalt kontinuierlich in Abschnitte zerlegt und als Abfolge von einzelnen Binärwerten gespeichert wird, um die Schwingungen jedes Samples in Wellenform darzustellen. Published
English preferred label digital Published
English ToolkitLabel digital Published
English definition A type of recording in which the content is continuously sampled and a sequence of discrete binary values is stored to represent the amplitude of each sample in the waveform. Published
English ToolkitDefinition A type of recording in which the content is continuously sampled and a sequence of discrete binary values is stored to represent the amplitude of each sample in the waveform. Published
Spanish preferred label digital Published
Spanish ToolkitLabel digital Published
Spanish definition Un tipo de grabación en la cual el contenido se muestrea continuamente y se almacena una secuencia de valores binarios discretos para representar la amplitud de cada muestra en la forma de la onda. Published
Finnish preferred label digitaalinen Published
Finnish ToolkitLabel digitaalinen Published
Finnish definition Tallentamisen tapa, jossa aineiston sisältö tallennetaan binääristen arvojen jaksoina. Published
Finnish ToolkitDefinition Tallentamisen tapa, jossa aineiston sisältö tallennetaan binääristen arvojen jaksoina. Published
French preferred label numérique Published
French ToolkitLabel numérique Published
French definition Type d’enregistrement dans lequel le contenu est continuellement échantillonné et stocké sous la forme d’une séquence de valeurs binaires discrètes représentant l’amplitude de chaque échantillon de la forme d’onde. Published
French ToolkitDefinition Type d’enregistrement dans lequel le contenu est continuellement échantillonné et stocké sous la forme d’une séquence de valeurs binaires discrètes représentant l’amplitude de chaque échantillon de la forme d’onde. Published
Italian preferred label digitale Published
Italian ToolkitLabel digitale Published
Dutch preferred label digitaal Published
Dutch ToolkitLabel digitaal Published
Dutch definition Een type opname waarbij de content voortdurend gesampled wordt en een reeks discrete binaire waardes opgeslagen wordt om de amplitude voor te stellen van elke sample in de geluidsgolf. Published
Dutch ToolkitDefinition Een type opname waarbij de content voortdurend gesampled wordt en een reeks discrete binaire waardes opgeslagen wordt om de amplitude voor te stellen van elke sample in de geluidsgolf. Published
Norwegian preferred label digital Published
Norwegian ToolkitLabel digital Published
Norwegian definition En type opptak der innholdet samples kontinuerlig og en serie med diskrete binære verdier lagres for å representere amplituden for hver sample i bølgeformen. Published
Norwegian ToolkitDefinition En type opptak der innholdet samples kontinuerlig og en serie med diskrete binære verdier lagres for å representere amplituden for hver sample i bølgeformen. Published
Swedish preferred label digital Published
Swedish ToolkitLabel digital Published
Vietnamese preferred label kỹ thuật số Published
Vietnamese ToolkitLabel kỹ thuật số Published
Vietnamese definition Cách ghi trong đó nội dung được lấy mẫu liên tục và chuỗi giá trị nhị phân riêng biệt được lưu giư để trình bày độ lớn của mỗi mẫu dưới dạng sóng. Published
Vietnamese ToolkitDefinition Cách ghi trong đó nội dung được lấy mẫu liên tục và chuỗi giá trị nhị phân riêng biệt được lưu giư để trình bày độ lớn của mỗi mẫu dưới dạng sóng. Published
Chinese preferred label 数字 Published
Chinese ToolkitLabel 数字 Published
Chinese definition 内容为经存储的旨在代表每个样本在波形中振幅表现,形式为连续采样以及一系列离散的二进制值的一种记录类型。 Published
Chinese ToolkitDefinition 内容为经存储的旨在代表每个样本在波形中振幅表现,形式为连续采样以及一系列离散的二进制值的一种记录类型。 Published