
alternative label

Other Properties

Bulgarian preferred label слухов New-Proposed
Bulgarian definition съдържание, предназначено да се възприема със слух. New-Proposed
English preferred label aural Published
English definition Content that is intended to be perceived through hearing. Published
Spanish alternative label auditivo New-Proposed
Spanish alternative label auditiva New-Proposed
Spanish definition Contenido para que se perciba a través de la audición. Published
French alternative label auditif New-Proposed
French alternative label auditive New-Proposed
French definition Contenu prévu pour être perçu par le sens de l’ouïe. Published
Croatian alternative label slušni New-Proposed
Croatian alternative label slušna New-Proposed
Italian preferred label uditivo Published
Italian definition Un contenuto che è destinato ad essere percepito tramite l’udito. Published
Latvian preferred label dzirdes New-Proposed
Latvian definition Ar dzirdi uztverams saturs. New-Proposed
Russian preferred label слуховой New-Proposed
Russian definition Содержание, предназначенное для восприятия с помощью слуха. New-Proposed
Chinese preferred label 听觉 New-Proposed
Chinese definition 设计通过听力被感知的内容。 New-Proposed