Element Sets: FRBRoo model
  Elements:  carried out by Bibliographic Agency in Representative Manifestation Assignment


27 November 2014 20:10
Gordon Dunsire (ifla)
27 November 2014 20:10
Gordon Dunsire (ifla)


carried out by Bibliographic Agency in Representative Manifestation Assignment
This property associates a bibliographic agency (represented by one or more of its cataloguers) and the assigning of which Manifestation (i.e., which instance of F3 Manifestation Product Type or F4 Manifestation Singleton) is representative for a given expression.
This property associates a bibliographic agency (represented by one or more of its cataloguers) and the assigning of which Manifestation (i.e., which instance of F3 Manifestation Product Type or F4 Manifestation Singleton) is representative for a given expression. In cataloguing practice, such a relationship is usually just implicit. However, it can become explicit, for example when a bibliographic agency creates an authority record for a given work and fills the "Source" field with information about the publication that contains the expression that was used by the bibliographic agency to establish the uniform title for the work realised in that expression.
In cataloguing practice, such a relationship is usually just implicit. However, it can become explicit, for example when a bibliographic agency creates an authority record for a given work and fills the "Source" field with information about the publication that contains the expression that was used by the bibliographic agency to establish the uniform title for the work realised in that expression.