Element Sets: MARC 21 Indicators 0XX
  Elements:  Canceled or invalid classification number in Government Document Classification Number (Government of Canada Publications: Outline of Classification)


27 January 2017 16:52
Gordon Dunsire
27 January 2017 16:52
Gordon Dunsire


Canceled or invalid classification number in Government Document Classification Number (Government of Canada Publications: Outline of Classification)
Abbreviated form of the parenthetical qualifying information contained in the key title (field 222). When qualifying information is present in the key title, the same information is added to field 210 in the appropriate abbreviated form. The qualifier is always enclosed in parentheses. Government of Canada Publications: Outline of Classification.
tag: 086 (Government Document Classification Number)
ind1: 1 (Government of Canada Publications: Outline of Classification)
sub: z (Canceled or invalid classification number)