Element Sets: RDA Work properties |
Profile property | Language | Object | Status | Last Updated | Updated by | Actions |
53 results | ||||||
description | Catalan | Relaciona una obra amb una jurisdicció regida per una llei, un reglament, etc., promulgat per una altra jurisdicció. | Published | 19 September 2017 11:06 | Rsc Chair |
description | Danish | Relaterer et værk til en domsmyndighed, der er underlagt en lov, forordning etc., der er vedtaget af en anden domsmyndighed. | Published | 11 April 2017 14:01 | Rsc Chair |
description | German | Setzt ein Werk mit einer Gebietskörperschaft, die durch ein Gesetz, eine Verordnung usw. geregelt wird, das/die von einer anderen Gebietskörperschaft erlassen wurde, in Beziehung. | Published | 7 June 2017 18:23 | Rsc Chair |
description | Greek | Συνδέει ένα έργο με μια δικαιοδοσία, που διέπεται από έναν νόμο, κανονισμό κ.λπ., που θεσπίζεται από κάποια άλλη δικαιοδοσία. | Published | 30 January 2018 14:13 | Rsc Chair |
description | English | Relates a work to a jurisdiction governed by a law, regulation, etc., that was enacted by another jurisdiction. (Deprecated) | Deprecated | 18 November 2017 17:35 | Rsc Chair |
description | Finnish | Liittää teoksen lainkäyttöalueeseen, jossa sovelletaan toisessa lainkäyttöalueessa säädettyä lakia, asetusta tms | Published | 14 July 2017 15:19 | Rsc Chair |
description | French | Met une œuvre en relation avec une juridiction régie par une loi, un règlement, etc. qui a été promulgué par une autre juridiction. | Published | 12 April 2017 13:13 | Rsc Chair |
description | Vietnamese | Liên kết tác phẩm với khu vực pháp quyền được điều hành bởi luật, quyết định, v.v... được công bố bởi khu vực pháp quyền khác. | Published | 29 April 2017 12:41 | Rsc Chair |
domain | http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/c/C10001 | Published | 18 January 2014 22:48 | Rsc Chair |
hasSubproperty | http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/w/object/P10018 | Published | 20 December 2016 22:51 | Rsc Chair |
hasUnconstrained | http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/u/P60097 | Published | 20 June 2015 20:07 | Rsc Chair |
instructionNumber | 18.5 | Published | 15 September 2016 9:36 | Rsc Chair |
label | Catalan | té com a jurisdicció regida | Published | 19 September 2017 11:06 | Rsc Chair |
label | Danish | har jurisdiktion underlagt | Published | 11 April 2017 14:01 | Rsc Chair |
label | German | hat geregelte Gebietskörperschaft | Published | 7 June 2017 18:23 | Rsc Chair |
label | Greek | έχει δικαιοδοσία που κυβερνάται από | Published | 30 January 2018 14:13 | Rsc Chair |
label | English | has jurisdiction governed (Deprecated) | Deprecated | 18 November 2017 17:35 | Rsc Chair |
label | Finnish | soveltava lainkäyttöalue | Published | 14 July 2017 15:19 | Rsc Chair |
label | French | a pour juridiction régie | Published | 5 July 2017 9:44 | Rsc Chair |
label | Vietnamese | có thẩm quyền được điều hành | Published | 29 April 2017 12:41 | Rsc Chair |
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