Element Sets: RDA Manifestation properties |
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65 results | ||||||
description | Catalan | Relaciona una manifestació amb una menció que identifica un lloc o els llocs de fabricació, el fabricant o els fabricants i la data o les dates de fabricació d’una manifestació en una forma publicada. | Published | 12 July 2017 11:15 | Rsc Chair |
description | Danish | Relaterer en manifestation til oplysninger, der identificerer fremstillingssted(er), producent(er) og fremstillingsår eller -dato(er) for en manifestation i publiceret form. | Published | 29 May 2017 7:46 | Rsc Chair |
description | German | Setzt eine Manifestation mit einer Angabe, die einen Herstellungsort oder Herstellungsorte, einen Hersteller oder mehrere Hersteller, sowie ein Herstellungsdatum bzw. mehrere Herstellungsdaten einer Manifestation in veröffentlichter Form bezeichnet, in Beziehung. | Published | 7 June 2017 18:21 | Rsc Chair |
description | Greek | Συνδέει μια εκδήλωση με μια μνεία που ταυτίζει έναν τόπο ή τόπους κατασκευής, έναν κατασκευαστή ή κατασκευαστές και μια χρονολογία ή χρονολογίες κατασκευής μιας εκδήλωσης σε μια δημοσιευμένη μορφή. | Published | 20 September 2017 17:53 | Rsc Chair |
description | English | Relates a manifestation to a statement identifying a place or places of manufacture, manufacturer or manufacturers, and date or dates of manufacture of a manifestation in a published form. | Published | 12 December 2016 21:01 | Rsc Chair |
description | Finnish | Liittää manifestaation tietoon, joka identifioi julkaistun manifestaation valmistuspaikan tai -paikat, valmistajan tai valmistajat sekä valmistusajan tai -ajat. | Published | 14 July 2017 15:18 | Rsc Chair |
description | French | Met une manifestation en relation avec une mention qui identifie un ou plusieurs lieux de fabrication, un ou plusieurs fabricants et une ou plusieurs dates de fabrication d’une manifestation sous une forme publiée. | Published | 10 October 2017 11:41 | Rsc Chair |
description | Vietnamese | Liên kết biểu thị với thông tin nhận dạng địa điểm hoặc các địa điểm chế tạo, nhà chế tạo hoặc các nhà chế tạo, và ngày hoặc các ngày chế tạo của biểu thị dưới hình thái xuất bản. | Published | 29 April 2017 12:40 | Rsc Chair |
domain | http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/c/C10007 | Published | 18 January 2014 22:44 | Rsc Chair |
has element type | 6 | Published | 22 November 2017 14:59 | Rsc Chair |
hasUnconstrained | http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/u/P60331 | Published | 20 June 2015 20:04 | Rsc Chair |
instructionNumber | 2.10 | Published | 15 September 2016 9:41 | Rsc Chair |
label | Catalan | té com a menció de fabricació | Published | 12 July 2017 11:15 | Rsc Chair |
label | Danish | har produktionsbeskrivelse - publicerede ressourcer | Published | 29 May 2017 7:46 | Rsc Chair |
label | German | hat Herstellungsangabe | Published | 7 June 2017 18:21 | Rsc Chair |
label | Greek | έχει μνεία κατασκευής | Published | 20 September 2017 17:53 | Rsc Chair |
label | English | has manufacture statement | Published | 18 January 2014 22:44 | Rsc Chair |
label | Finnish | valmistustieto | Published | 14 July 2017 15:18 | Rsc Chair |
label | French | a pour mention de fabrication | Published | 17 February 2016 10:30 | Rsc Chair |
label | Swedish | har tillverkningsuppgift | Published | 10 October 2016 11:26 | Rsc Chair |
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