Element Sets: RDA Manifestation properties |
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description | Catalan | Relaciona una manifestació amb una menció relativa a la identificació o a la funció dels agents responsables de la creació del contingut intel·lectual o artístic d’una manifestació, o d’haver contribuït a la seva realització. | Published | 12 July 2017 11:15 | Rsc Chair |
description | Danish | Relaterer en manifestation til oplysninger relaterede til identificering eller funktion af en hvilken som helst agent eller agenter, der er ansvarlige for at have skabt eller bidraget til realiseringen af det intellektuelle eller kunstneriske indhold af en manifestation. | Published | 29 May 2017 7:46 | Rsc Chair |
description | German | Setzt eine Manifestation mit einer Angabe, die sich auf die Identifizierung und/oder die Funktion von Akteuren bezieht, die für die Schöpfung des intellektuellen oder künstlerischen Inhalts einer Manifestation verantwortlich sind oder zu seiner Realisierung beigetragen haben, in Beziehung. | Published | 7 June 2017 18:21 | Rsc Chair |
description | Greek | Συνδέει μια εκδήλωση με μια μνεία που σχετίζεται με την ταύτιση ή τη λειτουργία των φορέων που είναι υπεύθυνοι για τη δημιουργία του ή για τη συνεισφορά στην υλοποίηση του πνευματικού ή καλλιτεχνικού περιεχομένου μιας εκδήλωσης. | Published | 20 September 2017 17:53 | Rsc Chair |
description | English | Relates a manifestation to a statement relating to the identification or function of agents responsible for the creation of, or contributing to the realization of, the intellectual or artistic content of a manifestation. | Published | 10 January 2017 10:57 | Rsc Chair |
description | Finnish | Liittää manifestaation tietoon, joka liittyy manifestaation tiedollisen tai taiteellisen sisällön luomisesta tai toteutuksesta vastuussa olevien toimijoiden identifiointiin ja/tai rooliin. | Published | 14 July 2017 15:18 | Rsc Chair |
description | French | Met une manifestation en relation avec une mention relative à l’identification ou à la fonction des agents responsables de la création d’une œuvre ou ayant contribué à la réalisation du contenu intellectuel ou artistique d’une manifestation. | Published | 10 October 2017 11:41 | Rsc Chair |
description | Vietnamese | Liên kết biểu thị với thông tin liên quan tới nhận dạng hoặc chức năng của các tác nhân có trách nhiệm về sáng tạo, hoặc đóng góp thực hiện nội dung trí tuệ và nghệ thuật của biểu thị. | Published | 29 April 2017 12:40 | Rsc Chair |
domain | http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/c/C10007 | Published | 18 January 2014 22:44 | Rsc Chair |
has element type | 6 | Published | 22 November 2017 14:59 | Rsc Chair |
hasSubproperty | http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/m/P30105 | Published | 18 January 2014 22:51 | Rsc Chair |
hasSubproperty | http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/m/P30116 | Published | 18 January 2014 22:51 | Rsc Chair |
hasUnconstrained | http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/u/P60339 | Published | 20 June 2015 20:04 | Rsc Chair |
instructionNumber | 2.4 | Published | 15 September 2016 9:41 | Rsc Chair |
label | Catalan | té com a menció de responsabilitat | Published | 12 July 2017 11:15 | Rsc Chair |
label | Danish | har ophavsangivelse | Published | 29 May 2017 7:46 | Rsc Chair |
label | German | hat Verantwortlichkeitsangabe | Published | 7 June 2017 18:21 | Rsc Chair |
label | Greek | έχει μνεία ευθύνης | Published | 20 September 2017 17:53 | Rsc Chair |
label | English | has statement of responsibility | Published | 18 January 2014 22:44 | Rsc Chair |
label | Finnish | vastuullisuustieto | Published | 14 July 2017 15:18 | Rsc Chair |
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