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13 results
description Danish Relaterer en agent, der er ansvarlig for at producere papir der bruges til at fremstille en manifestation til en ressource. Published 2 August 2017 10:37 Rsc Chair
description English Relates an agent responsible for the production of paper used to manufacture a resource to a resource. Published 5 September 2016 13:01 Rsc Chair
inverseOf Published 20 June 2015 20:11 Rsc Chair
label Danish er papirproducent af Published 2 August 2017 10:37 Rsc Chair
label English is papermaker of Published 20 June 2015 20:09 Rsc Chair
lexicalAlias Danish Published 2 August 2017 10:37 Rsc Chair
lexicalAlias English Published 20 June 2015 20:09 Rsc Chair
name Danish papirproducentAf Published 2 August 2017 10:37 Rsc Chair
name English papermakerOf Published 20 June 2015 20:09 Rsc Chair
status   Published Published 20 June 2015 20:09 Rsc Chair
subPropertyOf Published 13 July 2016 10:37 Rsc Chair
type   property Published 20 June 2015 20:09 Rsc Chair
uri Published 20 June 2015 20:09 Rsc Chair