Element Sets: UNIMARC/B elements 5XX
  Elements:  has Other distinguishing characteristics of a work in name / preferred access point – identification of a work (title is primary entry) (not applicable (embedded fields technique) or no information available (standard subfields technique)) in Title is pri

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7 results
description English Any characteristic other than form of work, date of work, or place of origin of the work that serves to differentiate a work from another work with the same title or from the name of a person, family, or corporate body. Published 13 December 2015 15:08 Gordon Dunsire (ifla)
label English has Other distinguishing characteristics of a work in name / preferred access point – identification of a work (title is primary entry) (not applicable (embedded fields technique) or no information available (standard subfields technique)) in Title is primary entry (Not applicable (embedded fields technique) or no information available (standard subfields technique)) (Other distinguishing characteristics of a work) Published 13 December 2015 15:02 Gordon Dunsire (ifla)
lexicalAlias English http://iflastandards.info/ns/unimarc/unimarcb/elements/5XX/hasOtherDistinguishingCharacteristicsOfAWorkInNamePreferredAccessPointIdentificationOfAWorkTitleIsPrimaryEntryNotApplicableEmbeddedFieldsTechniqueOrNoInformationAvailableStandardSubfieldsTechniqueInTitleIsPrimaryEntryNotApplicableEmbeddedFieldsTechniqueOrNoInformationAvailableStandardSubfieldsTechniqueOtherDistinguishingCharacteristicsOfAWork.en Published 13 December 2015 15:02 Gordon Dunsire (ifla)
name English hasOtherDistinguishingCharacteristicsOfAWorkInNamePreferredAccessPointIdentificationOfAWorkTitleIsPrimaryEntryNotApplicableEmbeddedFieldsTechniqueOrNoInformationAvailableStandardSubfieldsTechniqueInTitleIsPrimaryEntryNotApplicableEmbeddedFieldsTechniqueOrNoInformationAvailableStandardSubfieldsTechniqueOtherDistinguishingCharacteristicsOfAWork Published 13 December 2015 15:02 Gordon Dunsire (ifla)
status   Published Published 13 December 2015 15:02 Gordon Dunsire (ifla)
type   property Published 13 December 2015 15:02 Gordon Dunsire (ifla)
uri   http://iflastandards.info/ns/unimarc/unimarcb/elements/5XX/U5761_k Published 13 December 2015 15:02 Gordon Dunsire (ifla)