Element Sets: UNIMARC/B elements 856
  Elements:  has Electronic name in Electronic location and access (Email) (The field provides details to access a thumbnail of the described resource)

Profile property Language Object Status Last Updated This is the date the Property was last updated Updated by This is the user who updated the Property last Actions
7 results
description English The electronic name of a file as it exists in the directory/subdirectory. Published 13 December 2015 17:41 Gordon Dunsire (ifla)
label English has Electronic name in Electronic location and access (Email) (The field provides details to access a thumbnail of the described resource) Published 13 December 2015 17:41 Gordon Dunsire (ifla)
lexicalAlias English http://iflastandards.info/ns/unimarc/unimarcb/elements/856/hasElectronicNameInElectronicLocationAndAccessEmailTheFieldProvidesDetailsToAccessAThumbnailOfTheDescribedResource.en Published 13 December 2015 18:35 Gordon Dunsire (ifla)
name English hasElectronicNameInElectronicLocationAndAccessEmailTheFieldProvidesDetailsToAccessAThumbnailOfTheDescribedResource Published 13 December 2015 17:41 Gordon Dunsire (ifla)
status   Published Published 13 December 2015 17:41 Gordon Dunsire (ifla)
type   property Published 13 December 2015 17:41 Gordon Dunsire (ifla)
uri   http://iflastandards.info/ns/unimarc/unimarcb/elements/856/U85601f Published 13 December 2015 18:35 Gordon Dunsire (ifla)