Element Sets: MARC 21 Elements 00X
  Elements:  Medium for sound of Motion picture

Profile property Language Object Status Last Updated This is the date the Property was last updated Updated by This is the user who updated the Property last Actions
5 results
label English Medium for sound of Motion picture Published 11 September 2011 4:39 Jon Phipps
name English hasMediumForSoundOfMotionPicture Published 11 September 2011 4:39 Jon Phipps
status   Published Published 11 September 2011 4:39 Jon Phipps
type   property Published 11 September 2011 4:39 Jon Phipps
uri   http://marc21rdf.info/elements/00X/M007m06 Published 11 September 2011 4:39 Jon Phipps