Element Sets: MARC 21 Tags
  Elements:  Added Entry-Taxonomic Identification

Profile property Language Object Status Last Updated This is the date the Property was last updated Updated by This is the user who updated the Property last Actions
7 results
comment English tag: 754 (Added Entry-Taxonomic Identification)
Published 17 January 2017 22:26 Gordon Dunsire
description English Added entry in which the entry element is the taxonomic name or category associated with the described item. Published 17 January 2017 22:26 Gordon Dunsire
label English Added Entry-Taxonomic Identification Published 17 January 2017 22:26 Gordon Dunsire
name English hasAddedEntryTaxonomicIdentification Published 17 January 2017 22:26 Gordon Dunsire
status   Published Published 17 January 2017 22:26 Gordon Dunsire
type   property Published 17 January 2017 22:26 Gordon Dunsire
uri   http://marc21rdf.info/elements/tag/M754 Published 17 January 2017 22:26 Gordon Dunsire