Element Sets: MARC 21 Indicators 63X
  Elements:  Version in Subject Added Entry-Uniform Title (9 nonfiling characters)

Profile property Language Object Status Last Updated This is the date the Property was last updated Updated by This is the user who updated the Property last Actions
7 results
comment English tag: 630 (Subject Added Entry-Uniform Title)
ind1: 9 (9 nonfiling characters)
sub: s (Version)
Published 21 January 2017 15:10 Gordon Dunsire
description English Version, edition, etc., information used in an added entry uniform title. 9 nonfiling characters. Published 21 January 2017 15:10 Gordon Dunsire
label English Version in Subject Added Entry-Uniform Title (9 nonfiling characters) Published 21 January 2017 15:10 Gordon Dunsire
name English hasVersionInSubjectAddedEntryUniformTitle9NonfilingCharacters Published 21 January 2017 15:10 Gordon Dunsire
status   Published Published 21 January 2017 15:10 Gordon Dunsire
type   property Published 21 January 2017 15:10 Gordon Dunsire
uri   http://marc21rdf.info/elements/ind63/M6309Xs Published 23 January 2017 18:33 Gordon Dunsire