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7 results
description English For games in which relationships are available to the protagonist, determine which of the possible relationships are available to the protagonist during gameplay. If the nature of protagonist relationships can vary based on gameplay choices, select multiple terms. Published 4 December 2023 1:06 joelollo21
label English Relationships Published 4 December 2023 1:09 joelollo21
lexicalAlias English Published 4 December 2023 1:09 joelollo21
name English relationships Published 4 December 2023 1:09 joelollo21
status   Published Published 4 December 2023 1:09 joelollo21
type   class Published 4 December 2023 1:06 joelollo21
uri Published 4 December 2023 1:09 joelollo21