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55 results
domain Published 18 January 2014 22:43 Rsc Chair
name English paraphrasedAsExpression Published 18 January 2014 22:43 Rsc Chair
status   Published Published 18 January 2014 22:43 Rsc Chair
type   property Published 18 January 2014 22:43 Rsc Chair
uri Published 18 January 2014 22:43 Rsc Chair
subPropertyOf Published 18 January 2014 22:50 Rsc Chair
hasUnconstrained Published 20 June 2015 19:39 Rsc Chair
ToolkitLabel French paraphrasé comme (expression) Published 17 February 2016 10:26 Rsc Chair
ToolkitDefinition Spanish Una expresión de una obra que replantea el contenido de una obra fuente en una forma diferente. Published 28 March 2016 18:43 Rsc Chair
ToolkitLabel Spanish parafraseada como (expresión) Published 28 March 2016 18:43 Rsc Chair
lexicalAlias English Published 13 July 2016 9:41 Rsc Chair
instructionNumber   24.5 Published 15 September 2016 9:39 Rsc Chair
description English Relates an expression to an expression of a work that restates the content of a source work in a different form. Published 12 December 2016 21:07 Rsc Chair
ToolkitDefinition English An expression of a work that restates the content of a source work in a different form. Published 12 December 2016 21:07 Rsc Chair
hasSubproperty Published 20 December 2016 23:13 Rsc Chair
label French est paraphrasé comme (expression) Published 12 April 2017 13:05 Rsc Chair
description Vietnamese Liên kết một biểu hiện với biểu hiện của tác phẩm trình bày lại nội dung của tác phẩm nguồn dưới hình thái khác. Published 29 April 2017 12:40 Rsc Chair
label Vietnamese được diễn giải như là (biểu hiện) Published 29 April 2017 12:40 Rsc Chair
name Vietnamese đượcDiễnGiảiNhưLàBiểuHiện Published 29 April 2017 12:40 Rsc Chair
ToolkitDefinition Vietnamese Biểu hiện của tác phẩm trình bày lại nội dung của tác phẩm nguồn dưới hình thái khác. Published 29 April 2017 12:40 Rsc Chair