
6 May 2016 5:04
29 November 2016 17:10


[R]. Still images taken during the gameplay.
Obtain screenshots from the CSI that represent the visual experience of the video game, focusing on the main gameplay. Gameplay screenshots should include the video game’s user interface; if more than one user interface is typically encountered by the player (e.g., a combat HUD and an inventory screen), include a shot of each configuration. In order of preference, screenshots should represent the following: 1) main gameplay, ideally from sequences which represent significant phases of the video game; 2) title screens; 3) significant cutscenes; 4) stills that capture other notable aspects of the work (e.g., “Easter eggs”, unique credits sequences, storytelling “hooks”, well-known graphics glitches, or examples of the overall art/visual style). When possible during gameplay or cutscenes, include subtitles in screenshots. At a minimum, one to two screenshots should be taken during main gameplay, ideally from sequences which reflect the majority of situations. Create and preserve the images according to your organization's standards. Upload or indicate the location of the image(s) according to your organization's system design.