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55 results
ToolkitDefinition French Expression d’une œuvre dont le style ou le contenu est imité dans le but de produire un effet comique. Published 17 February 2016 10:26 Rsc Chair
ToolkitDefinition Norwegian Et uttrykk av et verk hvis stil eller innhold kopieres for en humoristisk effekt. Published 10 August 2017 17:42 Rsc Chair
ToolkitDefinition Vietnamese Biểu hiện của tác phẩm mà phong cách hoặc nội dung được bắt chước cho hiệu quả hài hước. Published 29 April 2017 12:40 Rsc Chair
ToolkitLabel Catalan paròdia de (expressió) Published 12 July 2017 11:13 Rsc Chair
ToolkitLabel Danish parodi af (udtryk) Published 29 May 2017 12:57 Rsc Chair
ToolkitLabel German Parodie von (Expression) Published 7 June 2017 18:20 Rsc Chair
ToolkitLabel Greek διακωμώδηση της (έκφραση) Published 2 June 2017 14:58 Rsc Chair
ToolkitLabel English parody of expression Published 15 January 2018 11:50 Rsc Chair
ToolkitLabel Spanish parodia de (expresión) Published 28 March 2016 18:43 Rsc Chair
ToolkitLabel Finnish parodian perustana (ekspressio) Published 22 July 2017 16:09 Rsc Chair
ToolkitLabel French parodie de (expression) Published 17 February 2016 10:26 Rsc Chair
ToolkitLabel Norwegian parodi over (uttrykk) Published 10 August 2017 17:42 Rsc Chair
ToolkitLabel Vietnamese văn nhại của (biểu hiện) Published 29 April 2017 12:40 Rsc Chair
type   property Published 18 January 2014 22:43 Rsc Chair
uri Published 18 January 2014 22:43 Rsc Chair