Element Sets: ISBD elements |
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description | English | Relates a resource to a note on its statements of responsibility (statements, transcribed from the resource being described, relating to persons responsible for the intellectual or artistic content of the resource, to corporate bodies from which the content emanates, or to persons or corporate bodies responsible for the performance of the content of the resource). | Published | 6 March 2011 8:19 | Gordon Dunsire (ifla) |
description | Spanish | Relaciona un recurso con una nota sobre sus menciones de responsabilidad (menciones, que se transcriben del recurso que se está describiendo, relativas a las personas responsables del contenido intelectual o artístico del recurso, a las entidades corporativas de las que emana el contenido, o a las personas o entidades corporativas responsables de la realización del contenido del recurso). | Published | 7 August 2015 17:03 | Gordon Dunsire (ifla) |
domain | http://iflastandards.info/ns/isbd/elements/C2001 | Published | 6 March 2011 8:17 | Gordon Dunsire (ifla) |
hasUnconstrained | http://iflastandards.info/ns/isbd/unc/elements/P1087 | Published | 7 August 2015 17:03 | Gordon Dunsire (ifla) |
label | English | has note on statement of responsibility | Published | 10 March 2011 8:29 | Gordon Dunsire (ifla) |
label | Spanish | tiene nota sobre mención de responsabilidad | Published | 7 August 2015 17:03 | Gordon Dunsire (ifla) |
name | English | hasNoteOnStatementOfResponsibility | Published | 12 June 2011 8:43 | Gordon Dunsire (ifla) |
note | English | Includes statements of responsibility taken from outside the resource, its container or accompanying textual matter; notes on variant or expanded forms of names of persons or corporate bodies, notes on pseudonyms, notes on persons or corporate bodies connected with the work that cannot be included in other areas of the description (because, for example, their function is not specified); statements of responsibility relating to appendices and other supplementary matter appearing on the resource but not on a prescribed source of information; notes on the staging, instrumentation, etc., of performed works; notes on persons or bodies connected with the technical production, administrative and consulting functions of the work. | Published | 6 March 2011 8:20 | Gordon Dunsire (ifla) |
note | Spanish | Incluye menciones de responsabilidad tomadas de fuentes externas al recurso, su envase o información textual aneja; notas sobre las variantes o formas desarrolladas de nombres de personas o de entidades corporativas, notas sobre seudónimos, notas sobre personas o entidades corporativas relacionadas con la obra que no pueden incluirse en otras áreas de la descripción (porque, por ejemplo, no está especificada su función); menciones de responsabilidad relativas a los apéndices y a otros materiales complementarios que aparecen en el recurso pero no en la fuente de información prescrita; notas sobre puesta en escena, instrumentación, etc. de las obras representadas; notas sobre personas o entidades corporativas relacionadas con la producción técnica y las funciones administrativas y consultivas de la obra. | Published | 7 August 2015 17:03 | Gordon Dunsire (ifla) |
status | Published | Published | 12 June 2011 8:43 | Gordon Dunsire (ifla) |
subPropertyOf | http://iflastandards.info/ns/isbd/elements/P1045 | Published | 12 June 2011 8:44 | Gordon Dunsire (ifla) |
type | property | Published | 12 June 2011 8:44 | Gordon Dunsire (ifla) |
uri | http://iflastandards.info/ns/isbd/elements/P1087 | Published | 12 June 2011 8:44 | Gordon Dunsire (ifla) |
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